Planning Rationale

Establishing the REM

The La Marina Special Maintenance Plan REM definitively approved on 26 June 1992 establishes that maintaining the development shall be the responsibility of the developer, Conservación de La Marina S.L.U. which, in turn, was the Marina concessionaire under the concession granted by the Council of Ministers of 23 July 1982.

The purpose of the SMP is to ensure maintenance and provision of comprehensive services in the La Marina area for the maximum validity of the 75-year concession, keeping management uniform.

The legal basis for establishing the SMP was based on the requirement of article 46 of the Planning Regulations approved by Royal Decree 2159/1978, of 23 June, which established, inter alia, the requirement that private plans anticipate how developments shall be maintained "stating whether it would be borne by the town council, by future property owners or by the developers, indicating in the two latter cases the period of time over which the maintenance obligation would extend

The Special Plan, in accordance with the provisions of said precept, assigns the responsibility of managing maintenance and the provision of urban services to the developer company in order to uphold the complex's quality level, and it obliges owners to pay a xed amount, subject to annual review, as a maintenance fee per calculated square metre.

The establishment of the SMP was registered in the Property Registry, along with the Development's Rules of Organisation and Operation regarding Parcel no. 27760, which includes all the plots under the Special Plan, all of them linked to the established Property Statutes.

Below is a copy of the planning rationale of La Marina Special Maintenence Plan

b-3) Maintenance of the development:
The elements of the Concession itself (sheltered water area and Marina service), as well as the facilities and services of the Puerto Exterior, will be managed for the entirety of the concession period.
As for the rest of the development, all maintenance both before and after transferring roads to the City Council will be borne by the Concessionaire, Conservación de La Marina S.L.U., directly or through contracts signed with other entities, passing on the costs to the owners. All this shall be valid until the end of the concession period, after which the Urban Conservation Entity shall be established.

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